Saturday, April 29, 2017
© 2017 John D. Brey.

It wouldn't be too incorrect to say that some Jews are drunk not on the wine of Passover, but on the rituals associated with it. . . And to be drunk on Passover rituals is far more deviate than to be drunk on Passover wine, or any other wine, or even Mad Dog 20/20. -----To be drunk on Passover rituals is to become a mad-dog in search of a shank-bone with a morsel of truth still clinging to it.

The Passover wine is ritualistic to say the least. And to say it's a toast is close to the truth only if we understand that burning chametz is part and parcel of what Passover is all about. The Passover wine is not just a toast, it represents the fact that chametz is toast after Passover.

What's it mean to say chametz is toast after Passover? And how does a wine toast cook chametz's goat?

Chametz represents leaven within the human body: the evil-inclination. All chametz merely represents the granddaddy of chametz produced by the granddaddy of humanity, Adam in the Garden, with the serpent in one hand, and the resting place of Shaddai in the other. Passover represents not the elimination of chametz outside the body, but the chametz that lives and abides in the Gentile body. The evil-inclination is the truth of all chametz. Passover is the elimination of the evil-inclination and thus the birth of the true Jew.

So what does Passover wine have to do with the elimination of the evil-inclination, and thus the birth of the true Jew?

As noted by noted Jewish sages, the evil-inclinations resides in the very blood of the human race. It's passed on generation after generation as something like the birthright of all those rightly born of Adam and his particular sin.

But the Jew is supposed to be different. He's supposed to be born without the blood contaminated with Adam's sin nature (evil-inclination). And in ritual the first born Jew (Isaac) is born without the imposition of Adam's sin nature (evil-inclination) by reason of what any cutting exegesis will reveal about Abraham's covenant establishing cutting.

Though Isaac is born --ritually speaking---without chametz, without Adam's evil-inclination, speaking realistically, he's still a sinner like the rest of us. He still has leaven leavening his thoughts and actions. For Isaac to have no leaven, for Isaac to truly be born the first true Jew, Abraham's ritual cutting of the covenant would really have to have cut even deeper into the reality being signified by placing a sharp knife on a part of theology too sensitive for even Abraham to cut deep enough to see the life blood of the dead letters of the ritual.

To cut to the chase, to cut deeper than the skin, would be to point out that those who read the scripture past Malachi are prone to say to themselves, "Son of a gun; Abraham really is finally given his covenant ratifying Son."

When Adam's chametz is truly passed over, in a birth that cuts out Adam's sin, by means of a conception that cuts off the organ through which that leaven passes, then and there the Passover Lamb whose blood is capable of providing a blood transfusion to the whole human race has arrived.

But what about the Jews who will whine vehemently about wineing and dining those first (century) Jews who equated Passover wine with the blood of the Passover lamb? 

. . . Let them eat flat cake and whine to high heaven or till hell freezes over since Moses took the blood of the golden calf and burned all chametz out of it before he had Israel drink it down as the quintessential Jewish toast.

The first Jewish toast was chametz-free burnt calf-blood. Moses turned the golden calve into blood by destroying it, and then he pulverized it, and then, having mashed it into a bloody mush, a mess, he burned all the chametz out of it in the fiery furnace before completing Passover by making all of Israel toast with the toast that is the chametz-free blood of their God, the transfusion of which transforms even the ritual Jew into the likeness of the first true Jew, the Lamb of God whose blood is the only fitting Jewish toast.

The only liquid toast that should ever be used to douse down the toasted, unleavened, Bread of Life, is a toast capable of transfiguring the Jew from only merely ritually clean, to one who is as clean as the driven snow the prophet Isaiah spoke of in his desire to wash away the snow-job modern Judaism has used to market Passover as a time to jabberjaw about ethnicity publicizing pablum rather than publicizing the true identity of the Lamb of God whose blood washes away the evil-inclination coursing through the veins of all of us who have, of course, sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.